- 3DAAP 3D Airspace Analysis Program planning tool
- INTERACTIVE AIRPORT PLANNING SYSTEM (IALP) An online system for master and system plan data
- JACIP Joint Automated Capital Improvement Plan
- INSPECTOR The Aviation Inspector assists state aviation personnel in the inspection and licensing of airports
- LEASEHOLD & UTILITY MANAGEMENT Tools which allow the airport to easily collect & track utility/lease/tenant information
- AVIATION DIGITAL STANDARDS & METHODOLOGIES The compilation of detailed digital data standards
- DISPATCH ON DEMAND (DOD) Taxi cab dispatch system now in use by The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey for the three major airports, JFK, LGA and EWR. Since it's launch in 2014, over 6 million passengers have been processsed.
- CurbPING System to track private TNC cmpanies such as Uber and Lyft using geo-fence and mobile phone technology to bill drivers for every visit at airports.
- OTHER SERVICES Custom design of data, applications and user interfaces
Planning Technology provides the technical and analytical services for applying state-of-the-art computer technology toward aviation clients. The company is in a unique position to have the advanced computer skills coupled with a solid background in aviation matters to work closely with and understand the integration of these systems into the aviation environment.
Planning Technology has conducted needs assessment studies for airport and naval facilities to analyze current programs and identify future computer information system requirements. This involved the inventory of existing capabilities, including hardware, software, system procedures and methods; the evaluation of data input and output needs; the assessment of budgetary constraints; and the recommendation of an implementation plan, identifying task elements, configurations, specifications, budget and consultant agreements.
Planning Technology was and continues to be the principal developers of 3DAAP. We are responsible for the development of the concept as well as identifying, approving and implementing the specific work tasks. We work with leading airports and the FAA to provide technical support and quality control of the final 3DAAP products along with identifying and developing new applications, approaches and methodologies as related to the programs and any other computerized needs requested by the agencies and/or airport users. PTI has worked closely with the Airway Facilities Department and Flight Procedures Branch of the FAA’s Southern Region in defining airspace applications as well as checking the quality, accuracy and use of the programs.PORTFOLIO
Florida Department of Transportation
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
Federal Aviation Administration
Metro-Dade (Miami) Aviation Department
Greater Orlando Aviation Authority
Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority
Taiwan Air Force
Daytona Beach International Airport
Palm Beach International Airport
Vero Beach Municipal Airport
Puerto Rico Ports Authority
Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority
Jacksonville Port Authority
Titusville-Cocoa Airport Authority
Hillsborough County Aviation Authority
Virgin Islands Port Authority
McCarran International Airport - Las Vegas
And more...
Services / Applications Overview
our address
Planning Technology
7381 114th Avenue
Suite 407
Largo, FL 33773Telephone: +1 727 572 5586
Office Phone Extensions
Jerry Roberts: 101
Robert Ori: 102
Iraniel Salva: 103
John Tate: 106
Krista Grotte: 108
Fax: +1 727 299 0837
E-mail: info@plan-tech.com
3D Airspace Analysis Programs planning tool which automates FAA criteria to evaluate on and off airport construction for potential conflicts with TERPS and FAR Part 77, ICAO surfaces, navaids, line-of-sight, radar and more. Included are mapping standards and electronic coordination of results with the FAA to speed the review process. 3DAAP has been customized and installed by PTI at a number of airports and FAA regional offices.
An online system which captures master and system plan data and other critical operational data for normal planning functions as well as updating future planning efforts. Implemented at major airports through out the United States.
Joint Automated Capital Improvement Plan, which is a modularized computer program for interactive coordination of aviation funding among airports, the FAA and the State of Florida. The system is a database software application whereby the airport develops its Capital Improvement Program; the FAA reviews the airport program and assigns priority and funding; the State reviews the projects and balances with the state work program; and all parties coordinate for maximum funding utilization. The program has been extremely helpful in identifying legislative funding needs.
The Florida Aviation Inspector is a computer program to assist state aviation personnel in the inspection and licensing of airports. Included are functions for data management; FAA Form 5010 markup and reporting; automated reporting and notification; revenue collection; and license generation.
Tools which allow the airport to easily collect & track utility/lease/tenant information and show spatial location on maps and within specific areas. Search and query routines access vital information and graphics about existing utilities, properties and assets.
The compilation of detailed digital data standards for the acquisition, mapping development, organization and presentation of aviation graphic and non-graphic data. This is helpful to airports in leveraging the cost of acquiring the data for multiple applications.
Taxi cab dispatch system for The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Architecting, developing and implementing a new taxi dispatch system for the three major airports in the New York City area (La Guardia, Newark and JFK).
System to track private TNC cmpanies such as Uber and Lyft using proprietary geo-fence and mobile phone technology to bill drivers for every visit at airports.
We custom design data, applications and user interfaces to suit specific client needs using a variety of platforms and software approaches. Over 20 years experience in data systems utilizing Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise, AutoCAD Map, SQL Server, IIS and much more. Contact us today to see how we can address your needs.